It all started with a cookie

My Story - the handmade holiday

One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking Christmas cookies, and it brings back so many warm memories! It all started with my mom spending a weekend in the kitchen, whipping up countless cookies just for our family to enjoy. As I grew up, I loved watching her team up with her sister, turning their baking sessions into a joyful festivity where they created baskets overflowing with delicious treats for their siblings—after all, they were a big family of eight kids! The amazing variety of cookies they baked was truly a labor of love, and those homemade goodies became cherished symbols of their affection. I always look forward to keeping this yummy tradition alive each year!

As I grew older and began my own family, the history of giving 'homemade' gifts influenced me during special occasions. For a friend's new baby or a wedding, I would create a quilt. When welcoming a new neighbor, I would make a lasagna. During the holidays, my ideas would evolve each year, leading me to craft hats, dresses, cookie-making kits, aprons - among other ideas. I was always looking for creative ways to provide a personal touch to the celebrations of those I cared about. This tradition allows me to share a piece of myself with my loved ones, making every occasion feel special and heartfelt.

In the summer of 2010, one of my kids (who was five at the time) and I were talking about our plans for the holidays. We decided that we needed something more to go with our cookies we wanted to send to our loved ones. The simple idea of making a napkin to wrap the cookies in - to capture all their crumbs - is how we got here.

My good friend loved her napkins and said - this is it... you need to make these to sell to others. So... with much research, soul searching... and a lot of hope... I jumped right in and have never looked back.

Over the years, our product lineup has significantly expanded beyond just dinner-sized napkins. As customers have made special requests and we have welcomed new family members, new inspiration has been created, leading to a variety of exciting new options. I am truly passionate about what I am building here, and I am immensely grateful for the unwavering encouragement and support from my family, friends, and loyal customers. Their presence has been invaluable, and I could not have achieved this without each and every one of them by my side.


Izy and Oly is very proud to have been so privileged to be included in each of these wonderful publications...

Rocky Mountain Bride Magazine
The Party Dress Magazine
Home + Table Publication
Brilliant Business Moms Podcast
Etsy Seller Handbook
Style Me Pretty

Villa Parker Wedding

Parenting Magazine

Cover Feature and 4 Pages Inside

Keri Bass

Creative Director - Owner

Izzy Bass

Senior Art Assistant

Welcome to our creative team, where passion meets craftsmanship in every handmade piece we create.

Our Team